Discussion on cooperation of the European and the...


Discussion on cooperation of the European and the National Courts at the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 11/22/2018

On November 22, 2018 a discussion was held at the Plenum Hall of the Supreme Court of Georgia with participation of judges and employees of the Supreme Court of Georgia and the Constitutional Court of Georgia, concerning advisory jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights: " The prospects and  challenges of the cooperation of the European and  National Courts”. The  meeting was led by a professor of  Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,  faculty of law, Mr. Konstantine Korkelia.

The discussion was focused on the challenges of enacting the Protocol No. 16 into the Convention for  Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which is related to the authority of the Supreme Court of Georgia and the Constitutional Court to justify the appeal to the European Court on the principle issues of a specific dispute.

The participants expressed willingness to keep on discussing the above-mentioned issues for the  novelty of the protocol and lack of its application in practice.

The Acting Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Judge  Mzia Todua : “Development of court practice will give us an opportunity to develop and improve the given issue”. At the end of the meeting professor Konstantin Korkelia provided attendants with final summaries on the matter.

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