Head of Analytical Department of the Supreme Court of...


Head of Analytical Department of the Supreme Court of Georgia on a working visit to Strasbourg

Published: 11/13/2018

On 8-9 November 2018 a working visit to Strasbourg (France) was organized on “The role of the Georgian Parliament in implementing standards of the European Convention of Human Rights” in European Council. The working visit was conducted with support of CoE Directorate on Human Rights and Rule of Law. The event was held within the framework of  the project: “Strengthening the Application of the European Convention on Human Rights in Georgia”. 

The Visit brought together  representatives of the Parliament, Judiciary, Ministry of Justice, Chief Prosecutor’s Office and Public Defender’s Office: the Chair of the Legal Issues Committee, Ms. Eka Beselia, members of the Committee staff, representatives  of the Human Rights Committee,  representative of the  Department of State Representation in International Courts of the Ministry of Justice and head of analytical department of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Ms. Marina Kvachadze.

On November 8, 2018 Lado Chanturia, Georgian representative at the European Court of Human Rights, attended the meeting talking about the role of the European Court and issues, concerning implementation of the Court  decisions. Furthermore, participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas on the importance of establishing and maintaining regular dialogue between the Parliament and national human rights institutions and well-established non-governmental organizations in order to provide the parliament with independent advice on the state of execution of the European Court of Human Rights judgments by the government.

Participants of the Study Visit exchanged views on best practices in identification and implementation of general measures under the judgments of the Court with involvement of parliamentary control mechanisms and overview constituent elements of the parliamentary supervision over implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights case law.

Members of the Georgian delegation had the possibility to get acquainted with the work of the department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and recent approaches of the Court to identification of general and individual measures to be specified in the judgments of the European Court.

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