The Delegation of Parliamentary Assembly of the...


The Delegation of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe at the Supreme Court

Published: 11/09/2018

Vasil Roinishvili, chairperson of the Administrative Cases Chamber, deputy chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia, together with judges of the same chamber, Maia Vachadze and Nugzar Skhirtladze met delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe consisting of former Foreign Minister of Romania and a representative of Romania from the Parliamentary Assembly, senator Titus Corlatean, vice-speaker of the Parliament of Sweden, member of the Monitoring Committee, Kerstin Lundgren, deputy head of the Committee Secretariat,  Bas Klein and the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Georgia,  Cristian Urse.

The delegation visits are undertaken within the framework of carrying out monitoring activities of all the processes implemented in Georgia and their analysis, made on a regular basis. The delegation members asked about the problems related to ongoing activities in Georgian judiciary, and in particular, the measures necessary for improving courts’ independence, accountability and impartiality. 

The delegation also requested information concerning electronic case allocation that has been recently implemented in courts of Georgia. 

Judges provided the delegation with the detailed information upon their request and shared suggestions on the measures needed for strengthening Georgian judicial power.

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