Austrian Judge Renate Winter became Honorary Citizen...


Austrian Judge Renate Winter became Honorary Citizen of Georgia

Published: 11/08/2018

Austrian Judge, EU4Justice Program Team Leader, Justice Renate Winter was awarded the title of  Honorary Citizen of Georgia granted byPresident Giorgi Margvelashvili for her support and contribution to development of the judiciary. The event was held in historical courtroom of the Supreme Court of Georgia.  The awarding ceremony was led by the acting chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia, chair of the Civil Cases Chamber, Ms.Mzia Todua. She distinguished Justice Renate Winter’s decent qualities both in professional and personal relations, her special service to Georgia as a great contributor to facilitating implementation of the best international standards in Georgian judiciary and other numerous successful reforms in criminal justice system.

The certificate and medal of Honor was granted to Justice Renate Winter by former chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia and High Council of Justice, Ms. Nino Gvenetadze that had first-hand witnessed the reforms and activities together with Renate Winter promoting improvement of Georgian judiciary and, in particular, elaborating and refining Juvenile Justice Code and implementing Action Plan and Judiciary Strategy. Nino Gvenetadze concluded her speech with the following statement: “You have saved Juvenile Justice of Georgia!!!”

Justice Renate Winter received words of gratitude from the Minister of Justice, Ms.Tea Tsulukiani for her great contribution to development of Juvenile Justice of Georgia, and in particular, due to great work of Georgian teams in cooperation with EU and UNICEF 3000 minor offenders were saved from imprisonment.

Another speaker of the ceremony was EU Ambassador to Georgia, Carl Hartzell who expressed warm gratitude to Justice Winter for implemented activities and work dedication within the EU project “Support to the judiciary reforms”.

The guest of honor, Justice Winter concluded the meeting with the following closing remarks: “I had great pleasure to work with the best team consisting of professionals. Politicians tend to change but professionals do not. Without your support and assistance, without chairperson of the Supreme Court, Minister of Justice, female judges working on juvenile cases from all three instances, without UNICEF and EU, nothing could have been achieved. Thank you for ongoing support and thank you, Georgia, for giving me the second homeland!”

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