Internet educational game


Internet educational game

Published: 03/22/2012

On March 22, 2012, Konstantin Kublashvili, the Chairman of the Supreme Court held the presentation of internet educational game. The school children of the Tbilisi Classical Gymnasium and Dimitri Shashkin, the Ministry of Education and Science attended the presentation.

The game – “Court” is intended for school children and persons interested with the legal issues. Internet educational game is based on the question-answer principle. The player must overcome all three stages of the game and earn 800 points to become a winner. When crossing all three stages the winner player will receive a prize.

The game is uploaded on the web page of the Supreme Court. The Chairman of the Supreme Court delivered the public lecture for the school children.

By the end of the meeting, the school children of the Classical Gymnasium made a tour round the historical building of the Supreme Court and got memorable gifts.

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