Presentation of the Program LEXISNEXIS at the Supreme...


Presentation of the Program LEXISNEXIS at the Supreme Court

Published: 10/03/2018

Within the framework of the project “Support to the implementation of the judicial reform in Georgia”, presentation of the world`s leading legal search program " LEXISNEXIS  " was held at the Supreme Court of Georgia on October 2, 2018.

The event was attended by the judges and stuff of the structural units of the Supreme Court of Georgia.

LexisNexis is a global leading search provider for legal, government, business and analytical information sources promoting professional support in taking more field-related decisions, increase of productivity and improving the customers’ services.

The program allows access to significant legal information of European Court of Human Rights , U.S.  Great Britain and EU countries.

The program is  known as a so-called “Google of Law”. The Supreme Court of Georgia obtained the program of LexisNexis with support of EU project “Support to the implementation of the judicial reform in Georgia”.

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