Assistants to Judges at the High School of Justice


Assistants to Judges at the High School of Justice

Published: 07/02/2018

Judges of the Tbilisi Court of Appeals Tea Dzimistarashvili and Giorgi Tkavadze held  a training session for the  assistants to judges  and courts staff, on the Law of  Personal Data Protection and the access to public information at the High School of Justice.

Judges delivered reports for the participants on the subject: personal secrets and personal data protection (jurisdiction issues, use of directives, conflict of laws, identification and sensitivity criteria, personal data protection and information processing, concept / terminology, subjects,  purpose of processing), information properties and secrets, data confidentiality; data depersonalization forms; secrets of nature,  freedom of expression and protection of personal data; proportionality / restraint rights; protection of data related to criminal convictions, employment and medical data, availability of video data; proof of video recording as evidence, rule of issuing and publishing decisions in common courts; access to court acts, public information on social networks; biometric data protection.

At the end of the training course, participants summarized the discussed issues.

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