Norwegian justice officials at the Supreme Court of...


Norwegian justice officials at the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 04/12/2018

The Director of Public Prosecutions of  Norway Kingdom, Secretary-General of the Supreme Court and law field representatives  visited the Supreme Court of  Georgia.

The delegation was accorded a warm welcome by  judges of criminal, civil and administrative cases of the Supreme Court of Georgia.  The meeting was headed by the Deputy Chairperson, Chairman of the Chamber of Administrative cases, Vasil Roinishvili , who introduced guests with the  challenges of the Supreme Court of Georgia in the field of human rights protection.

The judge of the criminal chamber of the Supreme Court, head of the Board expert  Paata Silagadze talked about  the structure, functions and procedures of filing an appeal.

About the fruitful cooperation experience with the Kingdom of Norway and Norwegian Mission of  the Rule of Law Advisers to Georgia  ((NORLAG)  in field of justice system, spoke judges Giorgi Shavliashvili and   Ekaterine Gasitashvili, who offered specific proposals to colleagues regarding exchange visits within the framework of the Association Agreement between Georgia and the European Union in the format of harmonization with EU Legislation and legal practice.

The guests were interested in various aspects of the ongoing reforms of the Georgian judiciary system, the introduction of electronic (random distribution) system and lif-term appointment of judges.

At the end of the meeting, the parties discussed the prospects of future cooperation and expressed readiness to carry out important activities in this direction.

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