A Delegation from Kazakstan visiting the Supreme...


A Delegation from Kazakstan visiting the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 06/07/2018

A delagation from Kazakhstan, including representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Bar Assosiation and  Human Rights Centre, visited the Supreme Court of Georgia, within a  study visit to Georgia.

The visit was conducted within the framework of  the Eurasia  Foundation of Central  Asia  in Kazakhstan (EFCA) and  EU project  “Justice for vulnerable  groups in Kazakhstan”. The aim of the visit was sharing experience and  study of  the legal aid system in Georgia.

Guests were welcomed by the Judge of the  Chamber of civil cases of  the Supreme Court Ekaterine Gaisitashvili and the judge of the Chamber of Criminal Cases Paata Silagadze.

The guests were interested in the results of the ongoing reform in Georgia Judicial System and the amendments implemented in the process of harmonization with European legislation.

At the end of the meeting guests visited the historical building of the Supreme Court and the "Museum of Justice".

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