A Working Group Meeting Over Commentary to the...


A Working Group Meeting Over Commentary to the Juvenile Justice Code

Published: 03/09/2018

On 9 March 2018, representatives of different state agencies and international donor organizations held a meeting within the framework of Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court of Georgia. They discussed issues of commentaries to the Juvenile Code. The meeting was led by the chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia and HCoJ, Ms. Nino Gvenetadze who introduced her concept upon significance of the development of commentaries to the Code of Juvenile Justice. She offered setting up a working group within efficiency of the  renovated strategy of reform and Action Plan 2017-2021that would consider  involvement of  representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Chief Prosecutor’s Office, Ministry of Corrections and Probation , Ministry of Internal Affairs, judges dealing with juvenile cases and donor organizations involved in the processes. The speakers presented at the meeting- Laila Omar Gad, UNICEF representative to Georgia and Justice Renate Winter, head of the EU project „Support to the Reform of the Criminal Justice System in Georgia, also introduced their views upon the issue. According to the mutual agreement, the working group over commentaries to the Juvenile Code, should fulfill its duties during one year and after completing the draft, they should  introduce it first to the Scientific Advisory Council of the Supreme Court of Georgia,  and then  to the Panel of the Criminal Justice Reform Coordination Council of the Ministry of Justice.

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