Meeting with the representatives of international...

skolis programa

Meeting with the representatives of international organizations

Published: 01/31/2012

On January 31, 2012, Konstantin Kublashvili, the Chairman of the Supreme Court introduced the representatives of international organizations with the studying program of the High School of Justice and court priorities for the year of 2012.

From 2012 the High School of Justice will continue the studying course with the new program, which will assist not only the future judges, but also sitting judges to acquire education in accordance with modern standards.

Among the studying programs of 2012 the priority will be given to the studying course of the general principles of communication with the courtroom, validity of the court decisions and decision writing skills.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court introduced the representatives of international organizations with the mediation institute and activities to be implemented for the popularization of jury trial court in west part of Georgia.

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