Judges trainings on trial communications


Judges trainings on trial communications

Published: 01/27/2012

On January 27, 2012, Konstantin Kublashvili, the Chairman of the Supreme Court, attended the training on court trial general principles of communication, envisaged by the new studying program at the High School of Justice.
The Chairman of the Supreme Court emphasized the importance of this course with judges. Konstantin Kublashvili stated, that the effective communication with the courtroom and establishment of high standards of judgments justification are of prior directions of the judiciary.
In 2012, the new course on communication with the courtroom will be held for sitting judges as well as for the listeners of justice at the High School of Justice.
The aforesaid studying course, including the rules of judges’ communication with the courtroom, was prepared in summer of 2011 with the support of the United Nations Development Program.
The course aims at raising those necessary skills in judges that will help them to conduct trial with modern standards of communication and high level. Psychologists and experts of communication were taking part in the process of preparing the studying course.
The judiciary believes, that by bringing up this course the skills of judges on communication with the courtroom will be more enhanced, which will ultimately increase the engagement of parties and audience in the trial.

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