Training Session for Judges and Judicial Assistants ...


Training Session for Judges and Judicial Assistants in Kutaisi and Batumi

Published: 11/17/2017

On November 16-17, 2017 In the framework and with participation of EU project,  representatives of the department of International Court Practice and Generalization of the Supreme Court of Georgia visited Kutaisi Court of Appeal and Batumi City Court. The meeting was presided by Marina Kvachadze, head of the department of International Court Practice and Generalization of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Guliko Mchedlishvili -officer of the Research and Analysis department, and Lali Chkhetia -Human Rights advisor of the EU  project “EU4Justice”.

The meeting participants were judges and judicial assistants of Imereti regional and city courts, magistrate court and court of appeal.

On November 17 a meeting was held at Batumi City Court with judges of Adjara region, judges of magistrate court and their assistants. Marina Kvachadze and Lali Chkhetia also had a meeting with students of Akaki Tsereteli University where they talked about peculiarities of European Court of Human Rights and implementation of international standards of the field in national judicial practice.

The aim of the meeting was introduction of innovations to the judges by the Supreme Court of Georgia, in particular, information about functioning of the HUDOC system with Georgian interface prepared by the department of the International Court Practice and Generalization of the Supreme Court of Georgia. This is a database for access to decisions and reports of the European Court of Human Rights. The cases vs Georgia from 2017, practice of application of international treaties and decisions of ECHR in national practice and other relevant issues were also discussed at the meeting. The participants received 2 new studies: “Application of international standards of discrimination prohibition in national practice” and materials from “ Exercising the decisions of ECHR vs Georgia that imply violation of the Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights. The meetings were concluded with discussions.

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