Training Session for Judges and Judicial Assistants


Training Session for Judges and Judicial Assistants

Published: 11/17/2017

In the framework of joint programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe “Application of the European Convention on Human Rights and harmonisation of national legislation and judicial practice in line with European Standards in Georgia” a 2-days training session was held at the Supreme Court of Georgia for judges and judicial assistants on the topic: “ Landmark Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights”. The participants of the session were representatives of the departments of International and National Court Practice and Generalization of the Supreme Court of Georgia. The training session was opened by the project Senior Officer, Giorgi Giorgadze. Main trainers were Besarion Bokhashvili, Council of Europe consultant and Jeremy McBride, Council of Europe consultant. The topics covered were:ECHR, article 2-Right to life , article 3- Prohibition of torture  and article 4-Prohibition of  slavery and forced labour; article 14-Prohibition of discrimination; Protocol 1, articles: 2- Right to education,  3-Right to free elections , Protocols 4, 7 and 12.  

On the second day of the training sessions the agenda included discussion of the following issues: ECHR, article 5-Right to liberty and security;article 6-Right to a fair trial; article 9-Freedom of thought, conscience and religion, Protocol 1, article 1- Protection of property; article 10-Freedom of expression and article 11-Freedom of assembly and association; Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP). The sessions were closed by final summarizing  and conclusions.

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