Signagi Meeting upon effective mechanisms of...


Signagi Meeting upon effective mechanisms of communication

Published: 11/11/2017

On Nov 11, 2017 a working meeting was held in Sighnaghi, at the hotel “Kabadoni” with support of the EU project “Support to the Judicial Reform in Georgia”, the Supreme Court of Georgia and High Council of Justice. The topic of the meeting was related to the development of effective mechanisms of communication of the judiciary system with the society. The participants were greeted by the team leader of the EU project, Renate Winter and the Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Nino Gvenetadze.

The issues discussed at the meeting were: judicial communication with the community, current policy and challenges of communication, needs and future plans, international practice of judicial communication, context of international court system, identification of strategic aims and tasks of the judicial communication.

These issues were covered in the presentations introduced by a member of the High Council of Justice of Georgia, head of accountability team, Dimitri Gvritishvili, experts of the EU project  “Support to the Judicial Reform in Georgia” Keti Akhalkatsi, Helen Best and Renate Winter.

The meeting was concluded with panel discussions and final summary statements.

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