Presentation of Activities accomplished in 2017 by the...


Presentation of Activities accomplished in 2017 by the Supreme Court of Georgia

Published: 11/03/2017

A working meeting was organized at the Supreme Court of Georgia upon implementation of activities prescribed by the Judicial Strategy for 2017-2021 and Action Plan for 2017-2018. The meeting commenced with greeting of the Chairperson of the Supreme Court, Ms.Nino Gvenetadze. Members of High Council of Justice, judges of the Supreme Court of Georgia, representatives of human rights defending non-governmental and international donor organizations attended the meeting.

The agenda included presentation of reports performed by: 1) head of the department of international court practice research and generalization of the Supreme Court of Georgia, Marina Kvachadze who talked about “Harmonization of National Legislation and judicial practice in line with European Standards;  2) head of the national court practice research and generalization, Sandro Jorbenadze talking about issues of responsible bodies for implementing international standards in national judicial practice and provision of access to justice; 3) the third presenter was Ana Shalamberidze, head of Coordination and Communication department, talking  about establishment and expansion of jury institution, including regional scale, improving access to justice for persons with disabilities and aspects of the best interest of children; 4) the final presenter was head of the department of relations with donors, NGOs and international organizations, Tinatin Tkesheliadze who talked about extension of the role of judges for equality of parties and promoting better access to justice. The meeting was concluded with the final debates in the format of questions and answers.

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