The Round Table on the rights of sexual minorities,...


The Round Table on the rights of sexual minorities, hate speech and on the issues of Gender Identity was held at the Supreme Court

Published: 12/10/2016

On December 10th of  2016 in relation to the Human Rights Day, the Round Table for the Judges on the topic – “The Strengthening of the Supreme Court Judges to implement the standards of European Council on the issues involved the rights of sexual minorities”- was held at the supreme Court. The meeting was co-organized by the Supreme Court of Georgia, by the Human Rights Secretariat of the Council of Europe and by the Government Administration of Georgia.

The aim of the meeting was to raise awareness on the recommendations CM 2010 of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers and  on the standards relating to the issues of sexual orientation and gender identity within the frame of case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. In addition to this, the discussion and sharing of the best practice concerning the LGBT rights, existing challenges and the implementation of the national legislation.

On the meeting, Human Rights Professor, Mr. Robert Wintemut introduced the audience the rights of the sexual minorities, the issues  and international standards related to the gender identity and hate speech. The member of Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (CoE), Mr. Besarion Bokhashvili emphasized the role of the Courts for protection and promotion of the rights of sexual minorities.

On the meeting the importance of combating discrimination against LGBT people, eradication of crime on the ground of hate speech and the necessity to eliminate hate speech was emphasized.

The Judges of the Tbilisi City Court, assistants of the Supreme Court Judges, the representatives of the Analytical Department of the Supreme court and other interested parties participated in the Round  Table meeting.

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