The two-day seminar on Juvenile Justice was held at...


The two-day seminar on Juvenile Justice was held at the Supreme Court

Published: 11/29/2016

On 28-29 November of 2016 the seminar on Juvenile Justice was held at the Supreme Court for the Court staff. The seminar was led by the Chairperson of the Supreme Court and the high Council of Justice, Ms. Nino Gvenetadze and the international judge, the Vice President of the UN committee on the Rights of Child, as well as the EU’s project manager, Ms. Renate Winter.

Within the two-day seminar the representatives of the secretariat of the Criminal chamber of the Supreme Court, as well as the representatives from Analytical Department and Court Practice Research and Generalization Department, thoroughly acquainted with international juvenile justice instruments and principles. Ms.Nino Gvenetadze discussed in details with the participants the Juvenile Justice Code and the latter’s compliance with the international standards. Ms. Ketevan Tavartkiladze talked with the audience about psychological characteristics of the child into the justice system and in this regard, she reviewed the basic concepts of the NICHD Protocol.

The participants discussed on the examples of hypothetical cases the ways to refine the practice of juvenile justice.

At the end of the Seminar the conclusive discussion was held.

The seminar was financially supported by EU and organized by UNICEF within the project of “Enhancing Access to Justice and Development of a Child-Friendly Justice System in Georgia”.

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