The meeting of the 4th working group of Judicial...


The meeting of the 4th working group of Judicial Strategic Committee

Published: 10/24/2016

On October 21st, 2016 the meeting of the 4th working group of Judicial Strategic Committee was held, which was headed by the chairman of the Supreme Court and the High Counsel of Justice. The mentioned group’s meeting referred to the following: access to the court, transparency and confidence issues. The members of the working group discussed the primary document, which defines the basic directions of the international documents in respect of access to the court and public trust in the judiciary. In addition to this, Tbilisi office of OHCHR represented the research, which analyses access to the court based on international standards and the conformity of the Georgian legislation with the latter. The document was elaborated by the local experts.

On the meeting, some of the members of the group made proposals on the directions of the strategy. They were given one week period of time for final proposals.

The Special Strategic Committee for Judicial Strategy and Action Plan Development is supported by USAID under the project “Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia” (PROLoG) and by the GIZ.


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