Statement of the High Council of Justice of Georgia


Statement of the High Council of Justice of Georgia

Published: 06/02/2016

The High Council of Justice of Georgia taking into account the high public interest,  responds to the recent  ungrounded accusations and unprecedented facts of pressure  against the Court and Judges.    

The High Council of Justice  explains, that  the accusation against  judge  - Natia Gudjabidze on the embezzlement of the State sums is not quite true to the facts.   

The High  Council of Justice marks, that Legal Person of the Public Law ( LPPL)  -  the Department of Common Courts provides judges with the expenses of hiring the dwelling space according to the organic law of Georgia  on the “ General Courts”. The judge, having no private dwelling space in the city of exercising of the judicial power   is provided by the State with a dwelling space or reimbursement of the needed sums.          

The Council explains that throughout her carrier has never been imposed   any disciplinary penalties or the measure of influence (including the recommendation card) for any disciplinary infraction. Likewise, the Council has never addressed   the organs of prosecution with the demand of launching of the criminal investigation against her.      

The above mentioned statements  are assessed by  the  Council , as the groundless accusation of the judge aiming at demoralization and in that manner  bringing  pressure upon the Court.  

The High Council of Justice is deeply worried and considers inadmissible making of any kind of public statements insulting the prestige and authority of the Court.     

According to the Constitution of Georgia,  a judge is independent in his/her activities and is only under the Constitution and Law. At the same time, putting any form of  direct or indirect  pressure on the judge or interpose in a matter with the purpose of  affecting  the decision is prohibited.     

The High Council of Justice appeals to all to respect the Court and independence of individual judges, to prevent all the attempts of discreditation of the Court and diffusion of all the allegations aimed at misinforming and   disorientation of the society and exploding of the reputation of judges. 

The High Council of  Justice demands to give to  the Court  the chance of    conducting   of the judicial proceedings in  the normal and  secure  environment.    

Taking into consideration all the said above, the High Council of Justice   address  to    all the interested persons, to abstain from assessing and groundless criticizing  before approving the decision by the Court.It is necessary, to  give to the judges the chance of holding a trial in the adequate environment for providing the full-fledged and  comprehensive investigation necessary for making an  objective and lawful decision. 

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