Nino Gvenetadze Met with the Co-Rapporteurs from the...


Nino Gvenetadze Met with the Co-Rapporteurs from the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Published: 05/04/2016

On May 3 of  2016  the Chairperson of the  Supreme Court and High Council of Justice   - Ms. Nino Gvenetadze met with the co-rapporteurs from the Monitoring  Committee of  the  Parliamentary Assembly  of the  Council  of Europe being on official visit in Georgia: Boris Silevich and Sherstin Lundgren, as well as the representative of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe  - Mr. Bas Klein. The aim of the visit of the Delegation is to monitor   the process of fulfillment of the obligations undertaken by Georgia.

Within the frames of the meeting Nino Gvenetadze talked with the members of the delegation about the challenges  facing the court system, as well as about the   future prospects.   The chairperson of the Supreme Court informed the guests about the significant legislative amendments planned within the  third  stage of judiciary reform. Nino Gvenetadze especially emphasized the reform proposals, such as: implementation of the electronic allocation principle in Common Courts, establishment of new standard of eligibility of cessation appeals and improvement of the disciplinary procedures. According to the chairperson of the Supreme Court the major priority of the reform  is standard–setting for the institutional independence of Justice and individual  security  of judges.            

At the meeting the Chairperson of the Supreme Court and High Council of Justice marked  while talking  about the High Council of Justice: ”The High Council of Justice with the help of the donor organizations  - German Society for International Cooperation  (GIZ) and the USAID project   “Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia” (PROLoG)  is starting to work on action plan  and strategy and  with the active  involvement of the state institutions and especially the  Ministry  of  Justice, as well as the coalition of  NGOs will be established a  committee, guiding  the process of working out of the  strategy and action plan  and implementation of that latter  and providing with the information of all the interested persons”.          

Within the frames of the meeting Nino Gvenetadze introduced to the guests the arrangements aimed to the transparency of the court activities and improvement of the  degree of the  judicial proceedings.   

The chairperson of the Supreme Court discussed with the members of the delegation the statistics of the General Courts on remand in custody  as a judicial restraint, criminal cases of the juvenile offenders and the victims of the family violence.     

The meeting was held in the regime of the active dialogue and was attended by the head of the  Council of Europe Office in Georgia – Christian Urse.   

On May 5 the official visit of the Monitoring  Committee of the  Parliamentary Assembly of the  Council of Europe to Georgia   is winding up.


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