Nino Gvenetadze Hosted the Delegation of Judges of...


Nino Gvenetadze Hosted the Delegation of Judges of the First and Second Instance Courts of the Unified Common Courts of Hamburg

Published: 04/28/2016

On April  28 of 2016 the Chairperson of the Supreme Court and High Council of   Justice - Nino Gvenetadze hosted  the Delegation of  Judges of the  First  and Second Instance  Courts of the Unified  Common Courts of Hamburg. The delegation consists of   the  President of the first and second instance courts  of  the Unified Common Courts –  Ms.   Sibylle   Umlauf and judges: Anne Mayer-Goring, Stephan Sommer, Stephan Philip. Project Coordinator   of  the German Foundation  for    International Legal Cooperation in Georgia ( IRZ)     - Sulkhan Gamkhrelidze and project manager  - Nata Sanadiradze  were also present at the Meeting.

Ms. Nino Gvenetadze  considered  legislation  changes  in the system of the Georgian  Justice  being planned within the third  stage of the Reform. A special  emphases was given to the new  legislative regulations and namely  to the implementation of the principle of  the electronic  random allocation of  cases,  refining and improving of the  disciplinary  judiciary proceedings, establishing of new standard of eligibility of cessation appeals and  publishing on the official web-page of the  Court  of all the court decisions with   the personal data security.  

Within the frames  of the meeting Ms. Nino Gvenetadze  brought to the attention of the foreign colleagues  the structure of the Supreme Court and discussed the matters of engagement of the judges.      

The Chairperson of the Supreme Court also considered with the foreign colleagues the  fact, that the Juvenile Justice Code  has  come into force from January  01 of 2016. “  For  Georgia, coming into force of the Code being in compliance with the international standards will  have the greatest  positive  part in defending the best interests of the  young offenders  in  conflict  with the law” -  noted  the Chairperson   of the  Supreme  Court.        

The members of the delegation of the first –instance  (trial)   and  second –instance (appellate)  Courts  of the Unified Common Courts of Hamburg gave cordial thanks to the Chairperson of the Supreme Court for hosting and  providing them with the detailed information. Ms. Sibylle Umlauf  marked, that coming into force of the Juvenile Code being in compliance with the international standards      is a great success.        

At the end of the meeting the Chairperson of the Supreme Court  of Georgia and High Council of Justice - Ms. Nino Gvenetadze  marked the  significance of the successful and constructive cooperation with the German colleagues in the process of development of Justice. The sides exchanged memorable gifts. Within the frames of the visit to the Supreme Court the members of the delegation looked around the historic building of the Supreme Court and Museum of Justice.


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