The Chairperson of the Supreme Court and High Council...


The Chairperson of the Supreme Court and High Council of Justice. Ms. Nino Gvenetadze welcomed the Minister of Justice of the Saxon State of the Federation Republic of Germany Mr. Sebastian Gemkow

Published: 04/14/2016

On April 14 of 2016 Chairperson of the Supreme Court and High Council of Justice Ms. Nino Gvenetadze welcomed  the Minister of Justice of the Saxon State of the  Federation Republic of Germany Mr. Sebastian Gemkow and the delegation of the Higher  Regional  Court of Dresden. The following persons were on the delegation: Chairman of the Higher regional  Court of  Dresden – Mr. Ulrich Hagenloch and judges: Mr. Dietmar   Onusait; Mr. Shtephanie Berr; Ms. Mary Shtefan;Mr. Astrid Flurr and Ms. Sabine Shlosan. At the meeting were also present program  coordinator of the  German Agency for the International Cooperation (GIZ)  - Mr. Thomas Mayer and Chairman  of the Chamber of  Civil  cases of the Supreme Court and judges of the Chamber of Civil Cases.                     

During the meeting session the Chairperson of the Supreme Court provided the guests with the information on the judiciary changes being planned within the third phase of the Reform of Judiciary initiated by the Ministry of Justice; The changes  have been presented  to the Parliament of Georgia to be reviewed. Ms. Nino Gvenetadze marked, that within the ongoing Reform the rule  for the electronic assignment  has been maintained  basing on the random and just allocation.”The rule of the case assignment will be  operationalized on January 1 of 2017, though I was actively communicating and meeting with the judges before my appointing the chairperson  and this practice has been running on till the present day; with the participation of that latter we  have  elaborated and established the rule – supporting implementation in practice  of  the rule of  assignment of  cases provided for by the  law”.  Finally  the Council is to pass the above mentioned regulation”  – said the Chairman of the Supreme Court. 

„ According to the changes  the rule of appointing of a judge on a position is also being accomplished; The changes for the criteria developed for the assessment of the candidate for a judge make provision of  a detailed list to be exercised by the High Council of Justice to decide  assign  or not  the candidate to the particluar Court, as a judge; The corresponding structural unit of the  High Council of Justive shall have the obligation to make inquiries about the  judicial candidate for providing objective and full-fledged competition.”  -   said Ms. Nino Gvenetadze and additionally explained, that according to the changes in legislation  denial of appointment of a judicial candidate is subject of appeal to the qualification Chamber of the Supreme Court.            

Ms. Nino Gvenetadze marked, that one of the main changes of the Reform is widening of the grounds for the appeal  to  the   Court  of Cassation – “One of the basis  is  the decision of the Court of Appeals contrary to the   Judiciary Law of the European Court of  Human Rights. The above mentioned change  implies a good grounding of judges  in the sphere of Human Rights, on which we are actively working;  videlicet, we are negotiating with the European Court, about creation of HUDOC analogue Georgian interface and for availability for the judges  of the decisions in the Georgian language, we think the program will start working at full force  from 2017  - said the Chairperson of the Supreme Court. 

The meeting was held in the regime of active conversation and the persons present at the meeting had the possibility of posing the interesting questions. 

The foreign colleagues  expressed their gratitude towards the  Chairperson of the Supreme Court  and High Council of Justice on providing them with the detailed information.

The Minister of Justice  of  the Saxon State  of the Federal Republic of Germany   -  Mr. Sebastian Gemkow showed readiness for close and constructive cooperation on the topical questions of judiciary and among others on the rule of electronic allocation and work of the qualification chamber of the Supreme Court.

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