The Chairperson of the Supreme Court and High Council...


The Chairperson of the Supreme Court and High Council of Justice Ms. Nino Gvenetadze Welcomes Secretary General of the Supreme Court of Slovenia Mr. Janko Marinko and Senior Advisor to the President of the Supreme Court of Slovenia Mr. Rado Brezovar

Published: 04/13/2016

On April 13 of 2016 Chairperson of the Supreme Court of High Council of Justice Ms. Nino Gvenetadze welcomed the experts of the European Council: Secretary General of the Supreme Court of Slovenia Mr. Janko Marinko and  Senior Advisor to the President of the Supreme Court of Slovenia - Mr. Rado  Brezovar. The meeting was aimed at sharing the experience of Slovenia and discussion of the corresponding recommendations regarding the strategy of the analytical department of the Supreme Court.

During the meeting Ms. Nino Gvenetadze discussed with the experts of the Council of Europe the role of the Supreme court and its structure. She emphasized the  functions of the analytical department of the Supreme court, which are provided by the the Rules of the Court Apparatus.

Additionally, Chairperson of the Supreme Court marked, that with the help of the European Council the negotiations on  creation of the Georgian  analogue of the  Electronic Search System  (HUDOC)  of the European Court of Human Rights are  under way. At the meeting Ms. Nino Gvenetadze emphasized the significance of  recording  of statistics following the international standards.

 The experts of the European Council within the frames of their visit will get to know the ideas and future prospects of the department personnel in regards with the activities of the department.

The meeting was held with the support of the project of the European Council  and European Union –  “Exploitation of the European Convention of Human Rights in Georgia  and Harmonization to the International Standards of the National Code and Practice of the Courts”.

The first working meeting  with the experts of the European Union  on the strategy of  the analytical department was held on January 25 of the present year.

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