Konstantin Kublashvili and Ambassador of the United...

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Konstantin Kublashvili and Ambassador of the United States of America awarded the winners of the moot court session

Published: 12/03/2011

On December 2, 2011, Konstantin Kublashvili and John Bass, the Ambassador of the United States of America awarded the winners of the national moot court criminal session.
The moot court session was conducted by the support of the Judicial Independence and Legal Empowerment Project of the United Stated Agency for International Development.
The project aims to support the independence of judiciary, strengthen capacity building of legal professional associations and improve quality in legal education.
Ten high institutions were taking part in the moot court session. The first selection round was held on December 1, while the semi-final and final were conducted on December 2, at the Supreme Court.
John Bass positively estimated students participation in this project: “I’m very pleased, that law students are taking part in the competition. After completion of high institutions students have an idea what to expect in the court rooms. One of the important part of our support is the fairness, transparency, accountability of the judiciary, which is the prerequisite for the rule of law. In this respect the progress is indisputable. As a result of today’s’ competition one winner team was announced. But I think that all the teams are winners as they gained the practical experience in the competition”.

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