At the Supreme Court the Working Meeting was held...


At the Supreme Court the Working Meeting was held Concerning Irregularities of Implementation of the Juvenile Justice Code

Published: 03/23/2016

On the 23rd of March of 2016 with the support of the Children’s Fund of United Nations (UNICEF) and Supreme Court of Georgia, at the   Supreme Court was held the working meeting concening    irregularities of  implementation of the Juvenile Justice Code in practice. The meeting was presided by Chairperson of the Supreme Court and High Council of Justice Ms. Nino Gvenetadze; In the meeting participated representatives of the Social Service Agency, National  Agency, Service of Legal Aid,Ministry of Internal  Affairs, Prosecutor’s Office, Ministry of Justice. Judges of relevant specialization  and other  sphere specialists also attended the meeting.   

The participants of the meeting discussed the problems concerning   implementation of the Juvenile Justice Code in practice and additionally debated the necessity of   involvement of social workers and representatives of juveniles into the court  proceedings.  Taking into consideration the existing practice  the problem is  the want of focused specialization of social workers in the sphere of juvenile justice.        

Within the meeting the representatives of the Probation Agency presented the report on the prejudicial investigation concerning Juvenile offenders. 

The regime of the  meeting was an active dialogue and exchange of opinions and the participants of the meeting concentrated on the issues of implementation of the  Juvenile Justice Code in practice and  all the irregularities  connected with the implementation  of the Juvenile Justice Code and discussed the methods of improving it.

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