Nino Gvenetadze met with the Head of the European...


Nino Gvenetadze met with the Head of the European Union Delegation to Georgia - Janos Herman

Published: 04/04/2016

On the 4th of April of  2016  Chairperson of Supreme Court and High Council of Justice Ms. Nino Gvenetadze welcomed  Head of the European Delegation to Georgia – Janos Herman.   The meeting was attended by: Attache of the Representation of European Union, manager of the programs Ms. Ivone Gogol and manager of the project “ Support to Criminal Justice  System Reforms” funded by European Union   - Mr. Pitter Denis.             

At the meeting, the sides discussed the legislative amendments initiated by the Ministry of Justice  within the third wave of the legislation reform aiming at increasing the degree of independence of judges, as well as, improvement of the accountability and transparency of the court system. During her talk with the ambassador Ms. Nino Gvenetadze draw  special attention to consideration  of the legislative amendments concerning implementation of the electronic system of distribution of cases  and establishment of the independent Inspectors’ Institute   with the view of refining  of the disciplinary process of legal proceedings.       

At the close of the meeting Mr. Janos Herman stressed, that  top target of European Union in    2017-2020 is the support for the independence and transparency of Justice in Georgia.

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