In the Framework of Council of Europe and the European...


In the Framework of Council of Europe and the European Unions Eastern Partnership Program Cooperation (PCF) the working group meeting was held for the establishment of the rules of issuing of court decisions in the common courts

Published: 03/12/2016

On March 11, 2016 in the “Rooms Hotel Tbilisi” in the Framework of Council of Europe and the European Unions Eastern Partnership Program Cooperation (PCF) the two days working group meeting was held for establishment of the rules of issuing of court decisions in the common courts.

The working group on determining of the rules on issuing of court decisions of the common courts was established under the order of the Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia, aim of which is to elaborate the recommendations on issuing of the decisions of common courts and transferring of decisions to third parties by protecting of personal data.

The Chairperson of the Supreme Court and the High Council of Justice Mrs. Nino Gvenetadze, member of the High Council of Justice Mr. Shota Getsadze and the Council of Europe representative,  Mr. Mamuka Andghuladze opened the meeting and addressed to the participants with welcoming speeches.

Within the today’s the working meeting participants reviewed the rules of publishing of Court decisions in connection with the rules established by the current legislation, personal data protection practices and the balance between public and private interests. International expert Mr. Graham Soutton reviewed mentioned issue in the context of the right to a fair trial and the protection of privacy rights; he also talked about the protection of personal data, namely, regarding the international practices and approaches in connecting with identifying persons in court decisions.

At the meeting participants discussed the rules of publishing the court decisions by envisaging the international practice; in what form should be published the court decisions in administrative, criminal and civil proceedings.

Within the working meeting on the active question-and-answer mode, international expert discussed the submitted considerations of the Supreme Court on the rules of publication of court decisions.

On March 12 at the sum up meeting participants will define the major directions and principles on rules of publishing the court decision. In regard with the lack of existing legal regulations and based on the analyses of hindrances revealed in the practice on mentioned issue and by envisaging of the international practice, the corresponding draft legislative amendments will be elaborated in the framework of the meeting.

The members of the working meeting are: the representatives of the Supreme Court, Tbilisi Appellate Court, Tbilisi City Court, High Council of Justice, Personal Data Protection Inspectors Office, The Georgian Bar Association, Georgian Young Lawyers Association, Public Defender, Freedom of Information Institute, Transparency International Georgia and the Georgian Journalistic Ethic Charter.

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