Chairman of the Supreme Court met the first jurors


Chairman of the Supreme Court met the first jurors

Published: 11/25/2011

The Chairman of the Supreme Court named the first jury trial - “historical trial”.

“Today I met the jurors, as I’ve been interested in their emotions and attitude towards the trial. Those jurors were, who delivered the first historical judgment. That was their civic duty before the society. I’m satisfied, that our society is ready to participate in the implementation of justice” – stated the Chairman of the Supreme Court.

Konstantin Kublashvili also positively estimated the role and professionalism of media in coverage of jury trial. “Journalists had responsibility to disseminate the information regarding the first jury trial. No one, even a technical violation wasn’t determined from journalists, what I really appreciate”.

By the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Supreme Court delivered the information for journalists regarding the scheduled jury trial for the next week.

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