In the Supreme Court within the framework of Joint...


In the Supreme Court within the framework of Joint Project of European Union and Council of Europe–“Regional Dialogue on judicial reform in the Eastern Partnership Countries” the working meetings have started

Published: 12/08/2015

On December 7, 2015 at the Supreme Court of Georgia the first working meeting was held within the framework of Joint Project of European Union (EU) and Council of Europe–“Regional Dialogue on judicial reform in the Eastern Partnership Countries”

The aim of the project presents in the six Eastern Partnership countries (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus) to conduct the forum for the regional dialogue and to exchange the experiences on the issues of judicial reform.

Delegates were greeted with the welcoming speeches: The Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia and the High Council of Justice Ms. Nino Gvenetadze, Head of the Council of Europe Office to Georgia, Mr. Christian Urse and the representative of EU project "Support to criminal justice system Reform," Mr. Peter Dennis.

Nino Gvenetadze introduced to the Delegates the priorities of the judicial reform, which is dealing with determination of correct balance between the court’s independence and accountability. "At present, the Parliament is being considering the legislative package of the third wave judiciary reform. The aim of the reform presents to increase transparency of the disciplinary proceedings, foreseeability, the efficiency and safety of judges” - Noted the Chairperson of the Supreme Court and the High Council of Justice.

Under the project three working groups were set up, whose members include the representatives of judicial system of partner countries, also the local and international experts of the field. Between the working groups were distributed the following three crucial issues, raised by the Eastern Partnership countries: Disciplinary responsibility of the judges and judicial ethics; Electronic Justice and free legal aid.  While discussion the following issues the delegates will review the European and other relevant international standards, the current situations of participating countries and will identify that main challenges those require the involvement at the regional level.

The working meeting at the Supreme Court, under the framework of the Joint Project of European Union and Council of Europe –“Regional Dialogue on judicial reform in the Eastern Partnership Countries” will be finished on December 11 of this year.

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