Nino Gvenetadze met with head of the EU Delegation to...


Nino Gvenetadze met with head of the EU Delegation to Georgia Janos Herman

Published: 12/03/2015

On November 2, 2015 the Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia and High Council of Justice Nino Geventadze met with head of the EU Delegation to Georgia Janos Herman.

Nino Gvenetadze introduced to the EU Ambassador about the future visions and priorities of judicial system, also spoke about the circumstances in the judiciary, achievements and challenges. The Chairperson of the Supreme Court and High Council of Justice on the meeting reviewed the significant measures, which are underway in the framework of ongoing EUs technical assistance project.

 “The support of EUs technical assistance project is important for judicial authorities to implement both domestic and international obligations, among them, the EU - Georgia Association Agreement commitments. Once again, we express our readiness for maximum cooperation with this and any other issues that refers to the strengthening of the judiciary in Georgia "- noted Nino Gvenetadze.

The meeting also was attended by the representative of Council of Europe funded project - "Support to Criminal Justice System Reform ", Mr. Peter Dennis.

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