The Chairperson of the Supreme Court delivered the...


The Chairperson of the Supreme Court delivered the public lecture at the high school of Justice

Published: 11/28/2015

On November 27, 2015 the Chairperson of the Supreme Court and the High Council of Justice - Nino Gvenetadze delivered the public lecture for the students of Law Faculty and the Law School, at the High School of Justice on the topic: "The third stage of judicial reform; Juvenile Justice Code ".

Nino Gvenetadze introduced to the audience the important legislative amendments planned under the third stage reform of judiciary, which main priority presents to create and strengthen the independent and impartial judiciary. The Chairperson of the Supreme Court also informed the students on the innovations foreseen by the Juvenile Justice Code and noted that the code in accordance with the international standards is oriented to the best interests of Juvenile that is in conflict with the law and juvenile victim.

In the framework of the public lecture, the students had the opportunity to ask relevant questions for the speaker.

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