The court announces the outcomes of the research

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The court announces the outcomes of the research

Published: 11/03/2011

On November 3, 2011, Konstantin Kublashvili, the Chairman of the Supreme Court, introduced the journalists with the outcomes of the court consumers’ research.
According to the research conducted in October of 2011, 72% of the interviewed trust the court.
The research was carried out in 8 City and District Courts. In total 2765 citizens were interviewed at courts. While evaluating the position of citizens towards the court, the following parameters were taken into consideration: the terms of case hearing, court staff behavior, simplicity for dissemination of information and trust indicator. It should be mentioned, that according to all parameters the situation at court is positively evaluated, what is reflected in increase of confidence to court.
In recent years, a survey conducted by international organizations or by own resources, which carries the systematic character, one of the most important issue had been revealed – within the past five years the citizens trust to the Georgian justice has significantly increased.
In 2005 approximately 35% of the citizens trust the court, while the trust indicator has been increased up to 72%o according to the research conducted in October of 2011.
As stated at court, the research has one important purpose – to establish the problems at courts, their analysis and constant work to improve the situation.

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