Supreme court of Georgia 14-03-2025
Click to printOne of the principal aims of the court reform is establishing uniform court practice. In this respect, the traditional democratic states have several-decade-long experience and continuously developing court practice over the given decades. Such a court practice is depicted in specially published collections or is disseminated through the network of special IT program.
It is made available to everyone and for the lawyers in the first instance. The practice of establishing so called “Guidelines” (“Recommendations”, “Instructions”) for years is particularly interesting. These guidelines will further promote the establishment of the uniform use of norms and are one of the bases for rapid administering of justice.
The guidelines are important in that they help rapid and efficient legal proceedings by the lawyers and create the awareness of the public prosecutors on the one hand and advocates and their defendants on the other hand of the perspective of their position (claim) right from the outset. In addition, the given practice will not only be used successively by the judges of the common courts, but it must be also shared by the public prosecutors.
In February of 2006, a foundation was laid to the new initiative envisaging organizing regular meetings of the judges of all instances at the Supreme Court of Georgia. The aim of these meetings is considering and analyzing the questions important for the court practice, comparing the opinions of the judges of different instances and establishing a common understanding of concrete norms as a result.
Establishing a common approach to all legal norms takes years; however, mastering and generalizing the recommendations and court practice obtained as a result of the above-noted meetings and the work of the standing commission will help solve concrete problems, establish a uniform practice and promote the rapid justice accordingly.
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